Tips for Ordering a Title
Understanding what may be required when ordering a title insurance policy and preparing accordingly can help expedite the smooth closing of your transaction.
When to Place Your Order
When a title issue is found, additional time may be required to resolve concerns. Submit your request for title as early as possible to avoid delaying the closing.
Prior Title Policy
A discounted rate may be available if you provide your prior title insurance policy to the policy issuing office.*
New or Existing Survey
If an existing survey of the property is available, the expense of a having a new survey may be avoided. The policy-issuing office will review the survey and make a decision as to whether the existing survey is useful based on the type of transaction, property type, age and quality of the survey.
Sales Contract
If any element of the sales contract is difficult to read, supply supporting documentation in order to ensure the accuracy of the transaction details. If revisions or addendums to the original contract have been made, provide a copy of the documents to the closing agent.
Contact Information
To help improve communication between all parties, please provide the following:
◊ Real Estate Agent(s)
: Information for listing and selling agents including: email address, cell phone, office phone, address, preferred method of communication and best time to contact in addition to assistant’s contact information, if applicable.
◊ Buyer(s) and Seller(s)
: Current address (not a P.O. Box) to receive documents, if necessary. Home phone, cell phone, email address, preferred method of communication and forwarding address with new contact information to reach the seller once the property has closed.
◊ Legal Counsel (if applicable)
: Name, firm, mailing address, email address and phone number.
*Not available in all areas and subject to state-specific guidelines. Contact your closing office to determine availability.